类型 | 不干胶贴标机 |
适用对象 | 护发用品,鲜奶,酸奶,矿泉水/纯净水,酒类饮料,碳酸饮料,果汁饮料,金属,服装,药水,清洁/洗涤用品,油类,化妆品类,护肤品类 |
售后服务 | 保修一年 |
贴标精度 | 1~60(mm) |
适用行业 | 餐饮,五金/机械,礼品/工艺品,医药,**,玩具,食品,日化,家纺,化工,服装 |
自动化程度 | 半自动 |
包装类型 | 杯,带,袋,碟,管,罐,盒,瓶,桶,碗,箱,软管,泡沫,易拉罐 |
品牌 | galileo/伽利略 |
型号 | GLT |
加工定制 | 否 |
包装材质 | 薄膜,塑料,铝箔,纸类,玻璃,陶瓷,软管,金属,复合材料,竹、木 |
curved with a sarcasm that looked handsomely diabolic.
“Yes,” repeated the Marquis. “A Doctor with a daughter. Yes.
So commences the new philosophy! You are fatigued. Good
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
A Tale of Two Cities
It would have been of as much avail to interrogate any stone
face outside the chateau as to interrogate that face of his. The
nephew looked at him, in vain, in passing on to the door.
“Good night!” said the uncle. “I look to the pleasure of seeing
you again in the morning. Good repose! Light Monsieur my
nephew to his chamber there!—And burn Monsieur my nephew in
his bed, if you will,” he added to himself, before he rang his little
bell again, and summoned his valet to his own bedroom.
The valet come and gone, Monsieur the Marquis walked to and
fro in his loose chamber-robe, to prepare himself gently for sleep,
that hot still night. Rustling about the room, his softly-slippered
feet making no noise on the floor, he moved like a refined tiger:—
looked like some enchanted marquis of the impenitently wicked
sort, in story, whose periodical change into tiger form was either
just going off, or just coming on.
He moved from end to end of his voluptuous bed room, looking
again at the scraps of the day’s journey that came unbidden into
his mind; the slow toil up the hill at sunset, the setting sun, the
descent, the mill, the prison on the crag, the little village in the
hollow, the peasants at the fountain, and the mender of roads with
his blue cap pointing out the chain under the carriage. That
fountain suggested the Paris fountain, the little bundle lying on
the step, the woman bending over it, and the tall man with his
arms up, crying, “Dead!”
“I am cool now,” said Monsieur the Marquis, “and may go to
So, leaving only one light burning on the large hearth, he let his
thin gauze curtains fall around him, and heard the night break its
silence with a long sigh as he composed himself to sleep.
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
A Tale of Two Cities
The stone faces on the outer walls stared blindly at the black
night for three heavy hours; for three heavy hours, the horses in
the stables rattled at their racks, the dogs barked, and the owl
made a noise with very little resemblance in it to the noise
conventionally assigned to the owl by men-poets. But it is the
obstinate custom of such creatures hardly ever to say what is set
down for them.
For three heavy hours, the stone faces of the chateau, lion and
human, stared blindly at the night. Dead darkness lay on all the
landscape, dead darkness added its own hush to the hushing dust
on all the roads. The burial-place had got to the pass that its little
heaps of poor grass were undistinguishable from one another; the
figure on the Cross might have come down, for anything that could
be seen of it. In the village: taxers and taxed were fast asleep.
Dreaming, perhaps, of banquets, as the starved usually do, and of
ease and rest, as the driven slave and the yoked ox may, its lean
inhabitants slept soundly, and were fed and freed.
The fountain in the village flowed unseen and unheard, and the
fountain at the chateau dropped unseen and unheard—both
melting away, like the minutes that were falling from the spring of
Time—through three dark hours. Then, the grey water of both
began to be ghostly in the light, and the eyes of the stone faces of
the chateau were opened.
Lighter and lighter, until at last the sun touched the tops of the
still trees, and poured its radiance over the hill. In the glow, the
water of the chateau fountain seemed to turn to blood, and the
stone faces crimsoned. The carol of the birds was loud and high,
and, on the weather-beaten sill of the great window of the bedchamber of Monsieur the Marquis, one little bird sang its sweetest
Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics
A Tale of Two Cities
song with all its might. At this, the nearest stone face s