原产国/地区 | 美国 |
是否进口 | 是 |
订货号 | CN38S-TC-R1-R2-12V |
加工定制 | 否 |
货号 | CN38S-TC-R1-R2-12V |
控制类型 | 温度 |
测量对象 | 请咨询 |
温度范围 | 请咨询 |
测温误差 | 请咨询 |
开孔尺寸 | 请咨询 |
输出信号 | 请咨询 |
重量 | 请咨询 |
是否跨境货源 | 否 |
工作电压 | 请咨询 |
控制模式 | 智能温度控制调节器 |
外形尺寸 | 请咨询 |
安装型式 | 请咨询 |
电压特性 | 安全电压 |
品牌 | Omega/欧米茄 |
型号 | CN38S-TC-R1-R2-12V |
Power Supply: 12 Vac/Vdc, 24 Vac/Vdc, 100 to 230 Vac/Vdc (±10%)
Power Consumption: Maximum 6VA
Device Class: Class II
Nominal Pulse Voltage: 2.5 KV
Category of Overvoltage: II
Isolation: Reinforced isolation between low voltage (input and output relay) and frontal parts; reinforced isolation between low voltage and very low voltage parts (inputs, static outputs)
Thermocouple Input
Type: J, K programmable
Resolution: 0.1°C with automatic scale change
Unit of Measurement: °C or °F programmable
Cold Junction: Automatic compensation 0 to 50°C
Cold Junction Accuracy: 0.1°C/°C @ 25°C after a warm-up (instrument switch-on) of 20 minutes
Calibration: According to EN 60584-1
Burn-Out: At the end of scale
Thermocouple Type Range:
J: -40 to 999°C (-40 to 999°F)
K: -40 to 999°C (-40 to 999°F)
Type: Pt 100 and Pt 1000, 2-wire
Resolution: 0.1°C with automatic scale change
Unit of Measurement: °C or °F programmable
Burn-Out: At the end of scale
RTD Range: -50 to 850 (-58 to 999°F) -50.0 to 99.9 (-58.0 to 99.9°F)
Thermistor Input
PTC: 990 Ω @ 25°C
NTC: 10 kΩ @ 25°C
Unit of Measurement: °C or °F programmable
Model Range:
PTC: -50 to 150°C (-67 to 302°F), -50.0 to 99.9°C (-67.0 to 99.9°)
NTC: -50 to 110°C (-58 to 230°F), -50.0 to 99.9°C (-58.0 to 99.9°F)
Output: 1 and 2
Function: Control output
Output Action: Direct/reverse, programmable
Type: Relay output
Contact: SPDT
Contact Load: Out 1 - 8 A/250 Vac on resistive load - 3 A/250V
Relay Electric Life: 100,000 operations
DC Pulse:
Isolation: Output NOT isolated as regard the very low voltage parts
Logic State:
1: 12V ±20% @ 1 mA, 10V ±20% @ 20 mA
0: <0.5V
Mounting: Flush in panel
Dimensions: 78 x 35 mm (3.07 x 1.38"), depth 64 mm (2.52")
Panel Cut-Out: 71 (2.8") x 29 (1.14")
Display: 3-digit single display, red, 12 mm (0.47")
Weight: 180 g (6.3 oz) approximately
Screw Terminals: 11 screw terminals (screw M3 for cables 0.25... 2.5 mm2 or AWG 22... AWG 14)
Protection Degree:
Front Protection: IP 65 (with gasket) according to EN60070-1 for indoor use
Screw Terminal: IP20
Operating Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)
Operating Humidity: < 95 RH% without condensation
Storage Temperature: -25 to 60°C (-13 to 140°F)
Overall Accuracy: ±(0.5% span ±1 digit @25 °C)
Sampling Rate: 1 s
Display Updating Time: 1 s