类型 | 不干胶贴标机 |
适用对象 | 护发用品,鲜奶,酸奶,矿泉水/纯净水,酒类饮料,碳酸饮料,果汁饮料,金属,服装,药水,清洁/洗涤用品,油类,化妆品类,护肤品类 |
售后服务 | 保修一年 |
贴标精度 | 1~60(mm) |
适用行业 | 餐饮,五金/机械,礼品/工艺品,医药,**,玩具,食品,日化,家纺,化工,服装 |
自动化程度 | 半自动 |
包装类型 | 杯,带,袋,碟,管,罐,盒,瓶,桶,碗,箱,软管,泡沫,易拉罐 |
品牌 | galileo/伽利略 |
型号 | GLT |
加工定制 | 否 |
包装材质 | 薄膜,塑料,铝箔,纸类,玻璃,陶瓷,软管,金属,复合材料,竹、木 |
Eze 11:19 And I will give them a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in them; and I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh:
Eze 11:20 So that they may be guided by my rules and keep my orders and do them: and they will be to me a people, and I will be to them a God.
Eze 11:21 But as for those whose heart goes after their hated and disgusting things, I will send on their heads the punishment of their ways, says the Lord.
Eze 11:22 Then the wings of the winged ones were lifted up, and the wheels were by their side; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them on high.
Eze 11:23 And the glory of the Lord went up from inside the town, and came to rest on the mountain on the east side of the town.
Eze 11:24 And the wind, lifting me up, took me in the visions of God into Chaldaea, to those who had been taken away as prisoners. So the vision which I had seen went away from me.
Eze 11:25 Then I gave an account to those who had been taken prisoners of all the things which the Lord had made me see.
Eze 12:1 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Eze 12:2 Son of man, you are living among an uncontrolled people, who have eyes to see but see not, and ears for hearing but they do not give ear; for they are an uncontrolled people.
Eze 12:3 And you, O son of man, by day, before their eyes, get ready the vessels of one who is taken away, and go away from your place to another place before their eyes: it may be that they will see, though they are an uncontrolled people.
Eze 12:4 By day, before their eyes, take out your vessels like those of one who is taken away: and go out in the evening before their eyes, like those who are taken away as prisoners.
Eze 12:5 Make a hole in the wall, before their eyes, and go out through it.
Eze 12:6 And before their eyes, take your goods on your back and go out in the dark; go with your face covered: for I have made you a sign to the children of Israel.
Eze 12:7 And I did as I was ordered: I took out my vessels by day, like those of one who is taken away, and in the evening I made a hole through the wall with a tent-pin; and in the dark I went out, taking my things on my back before their eyes.
Eze 12:8 And in the morning the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Eze 12:9 Son of man, has not Israel, the uncontrolled people, said to you, What are you doing?
Eze 12:10 You are to say to them, This is what the Lord has said: This word has to do with the ruler in Jerusalem and all the children of Israel in it.
Eze 12:11 Say, I am your sign: as I have done, so will it be done to them: they will go away as prisoners.
Eze 12:12 And the ruler who is among them will take his goods on his back in the dark and go out: he will make a hole in the wall through which to go out: he will have his face covered so that he may not be seen.
Eze 12:13 And my net will be stretched out on him, and he will be taken in my cords: and I will take him to Babylon to the land of the Chaldaeans; but he will not see it, and there death will come to him.
Eze 12:14 And all his helpers round about him and all his armies I will send in flight to every wind; and I will let loose a sword after them.
Eze 12:15 And they will be certain that I am the Lord, when I send them in flight among the nations, driving them out through the countries.
Eze 12:16 But a small number of them I will keep from the sword, from the need of food, and from disease, so that they may mak