深圳市欧恩半导体照明有限公司专注于LED特种灯的研发及生产13年。产品有机床工作灯,设备警示灯。欧恩照明成立以来先后参加了115次国内外行业展会,并获得了TUV,CE,UL,FCC,CCC,ISO9001等认证,被认定为深圳市高新技术企业。ONN为欧恩照明自由品牌,销售方式已工厂直销为主,并兼OEM,ODM以及非标定制。Was founded in 2005. We focus on producing and developing special LED light for over 11 years. Main products is Machine Work Light, Signal Tower light, Led freezer light, Cleanroom light.ONN LED lighting has participated in 115 times exhibitions, got 250 kinds of patent. They are TUV CE, UL, FCC, CCC, ISO9001 certificate and identified as a National High-tech Enterprise.ONN Work lights are designed for equipment manufacturers, machine builders, industrial automation, freezers, cleanroom project, etc. ONLION is a brand owned by Shenzhen ONN Semi-conductor Lighting Co., Ltd. We are factory and also offer OEM and ODM.质量方针:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------ONN以... [