原产国/地区 | 美国 |
是否进口 | 是 |
订货号 | CN9511 |
加工定制 | 否 |
货号 | CN9511 |
控制类型 | 温度 |
测量对象 | 请咨询 |
温度范围 | 请咨询 |
测温误差 | 请咨询 |
开孔尺寸 | 请咨询 |
输出信号 | 请咨询 |
重量 | 请咨询 |
是否跨境货源 | 否 |
工作电压 | 请咨询 |
控制模式 | 智能温度控制调节器 |
外形尺寸 | 请咨询 |
安装型式 | 请咨询 |
电压特性 | 安全电压 |
品牌 | Omega/欧米茄 |
型号 | CN9511 |
4-Digit Display
5 Alarm Configurations
Single Ramp and Soak
PID Heat-Cool Control
NEMA-4 (IP66) Faceplate
Sleeve Mounting
Security Lockouts
UL Recognized
RS-232 or RS-485 Communications
Communications Software: CN9-SW
Low Voltage Power
The new 1/32 DIN CN9500, 1/16 DIN CN9300 Single Display and 1/16 DIN CN9400 Dual Display controllers follow the OMEGA tradition of innovative design. Building on the success of the CN132 and CN9000A series, the new models include several new features, the most important being the option of a low cost serial communicating system with easy to use Windows-based software. The CN9-SW series software bridges the gap between the "stand alone" system and full SCADA of Fieldbus control networks by providing a facility for remote supervision of up to 32 instruments using MODBUS protocol. It requires only a modest investment and can be operated by anyone with a medium specification PC or laptop that can be run with Windows 95, 98, NT, or XP.