宁波市鄞州恒光玩具厂,座落在东海之滨-宁波。这里海,陆,空交通方便。本厂积累了丰富的生产经验,技术力量雄厚,设备精良,工艺先进,检测手段齐全,管理基础扎实。本厂主要经营积木,拖拉玩具,智力性玩具,识字板,游戏棒,A B C玩具等一系列木制玩具。本厂以“质量第一,信誉至上”为经营宗旨,严格的质量管理,优良的售后服务使得产品畅销海内外,博得用户和经销单位的好评。宁波鄞州恒光玩具厂厂长,倪锡光竭诚欢迎客户前来洽谈,订购。NINGBO HENGGUANG TOYS Co,Ltd. is situated in Ningbo, Zhengjiang province, which borders on the East China Sea, convenient in communication and transportation. Our factory has a long history in manufacturing wooden toys, with rich experience, strong technical facilities, excellent equipment, adnanced technique, complete test system and conscientious management. We are specialized in series of wooden toys, such as toy building blocks, literacy stick, alphabet przzle, pulling toys, intelligence toys and ect.The message of our management is “Quality the First, Credit the Higher”. Our products have won the good comment from both domestic distributors and foreign importers because of our strict quality control and good service. NiXiguang, the factory director, warmly welcome you to hold trade talks and place orders.