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首页 > 供应产品 > 天津手持喷码机 全自动喷码机设备 开关喷码机 晋
天津手持喷码机 全自动喷码机设备 开关喷码机 晋
单价 4300.00 / 个对比
询价 暂无
浏览 980
发货 上海付款后3天内
品牌 工洲
产地 上海
打印方向 双向
过期 长期有效
更新 2024-06-12 15:48
产地 上海
打印方向 双向
气源压力 0.1~10(MPa)
重量 5kg
适用行业 日化
自动化程度 半自动
包装类型 瓶,杯,带,袋,箱,碟,管,罐,盒,桶,碗,泡沫
打印深度 1~9999(mm)
适用工件 平面
品牌 Galileo伽利略





 FragmentWelcome to consult...id: and you got together the waters of the lower pool.
Isa 22:10 And you had the houses of Jerusalem numbered, pulling down the houses to make the wall stronger.
Isa 22:11 And you made a place between the two walls for storing the waters of the old pool: but you gave no thought to him who had done this, and were not looking to him by whom it had been purposed long before.
Isa 22:12 And in that day the Lord, the Lord of armies, was looking for weeping, and cries of sorrow, cutting off of the hair, and putting on the clothing of grief:
Isa 22:13 But in place of these there was joy and delight, oxen and sheep were being made ready for food, there was feasting and drinking: men said, Now is the time for food and wine, for tomorrow death comes.
Isa 22:14 And the Lord of armies said to me secretly, Truly, this sin will not be taken from you till your death, says the Lord, the Lord of armies.
Isa 22:15 The Lord, the Lord of armies, says, Go to this person in authority, this Shebna, who is over the house; who has made himself a resting-place on high, cutting out a place for himself in the rock, and say,
Isa 22:16 Who are you, and by what right have you made for yourself a resting-place here?
Isa 22:17 See, O strong man, the Lord will send you violently away, gripping you with force,
Isa 22:18 Twisting you round and round like a ball he will send you out into a wide country: there you will come to your end, and there will be the carriages of your pride, O shame of your lord's house!
Isa 22:19 And I will have you forced out of your place of authority, and pulled down from your position.
Isa 22:20 And in that day I will send for my servant, Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah:
Isa 22:21 And I will put your robe on him, and put your band about him, and I will give your authority into his **nd he will be a father to the men of Jerusalem, and to the family of Judah.
Isa 22:22 And I will give the key of the family of David into his care; and what he keeps open will be shut by no one, and what he keeps shut no one will make open.
Isa 22:23 And I will put him like a nail in a safe place; and he will be for a seat of glory to his father's family.
Isa 22:24 And all the glory of his father's family will be hanging on him, all their offspring, every small vessel, even the cups and the basins.
Isa 22:25 In that day, says the Lord of armies, will the nail fixed in a safe place give way; and it will be cut down, and in its fall the weight hanging on it will be cut off, for the Lord has said it.
Isa 23:1 The word about Tyre. Let a cry of sorrow go up, O ships of Tarshish, because your strong place is made waste; on the way back from the land of Kittim the news is given to them.
Isa 23:2 Send out a cry of grief, you men of the sea-land, traders of Zidon, who go over the sea, whose representatives are on great waters;
Isa 23:3 Who get in the seed of Shihor, whose wealth is the trade of the nations.
Isa 23:4 Be shamed, O Zidon: for the sea, the strong place of the sea has said, I have not been with child, or given birth; I have not taken care of young men, or kept watch over the growth of virgins.
Isa 23:5 When the news comes to Egypt they will be bitterly pained at the fate of Tyre.
Isa 23:6 Go over to Tarshish; give cries of sorrow, O men of the sea-land.
Isa 23:7 Is this the town which was full of joy, whose start goes back to times long past, whose wanderings took her into far-off countries?
Isa 23:8 By whom was this purposed against Tyre, the crowning town, whose traders are chiefs, whose business men are honoured in the land?
Isa 23:9 It was the purpose of the Lord of armies to put pride to shame, to make sport of the glory of those who are honoured in the earth.
Isa 23:10 Let your land be worked with the plough, O daughter of Tarshish; there is no longer any harbour.
Isa 23:11 His hand is stretched out over the sea, the kingdoms are shaking: the Lord has given orders about Canaan, to make waste its strong places.
Isa 23:12 And he said, There is no more joy for you, O crushed virgin daughter of Zidon: up! go over to Kittim; even there you will have no rest.
Isa 23:13 ...
Isa 23:14 Let a cry of sorrow go up, O