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首页 > 供应产品 > 车载吸尘器和家用吸尘器 家用型吸尘器 车间用扫地机 隋
车载吸尘器和家用吸尘器 家用型吸尘器 车间用扫地机 隋
单价 1188.00 / 台对比
销量 暂无
浏览 680
发货 上海付款后3天内
库存 88台起订8台
品牌 工洲
产地 上海
额定电压 220V
过期 长期有效
更新 2025-01-16 17:10
产地 上海
额定电压 220V
附加功能 手机遥控
功能 拖扫吸式
适用面积 120-150平米
品牌 galileo/伽利略
型号 FR-S01
吸尘器款式 卧式
外观造型 扫地机器人
清扫路线 规划式
碰撞保护 机械+电子双层保护

 FragmentWelcome to consult...ly she got into
the chaise, and drove away without looking up, I understood her
better and did not do her that injustice.

By five o’clock, which was Mr. Wickfield’s dinner-hour, I had
mustered up my spirits again, and was ready for my knife and
fork. The cloth was only laid for us two; but Agnes was waiting in
the drawing-room before dinner, went down with her father, and
sat opposite to him at table. I doubted whether he could have
dined without her.

We did not stay there, after dinner, but came upstairs into the
drawing-room again: in one snug corner of which, Agnes set
glasses for her father, and a decanter of port wine. I thought he
would have missed its usual flavour, if it had been put there for
him by any other hands.

There he sat, taking his wine, and taking a good deal of it, for
two hours; while Agnes played on the piano, worked, and talked to
him and me. He was, for the most part, gay and cheerful with us;

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

but sometimes his eyes rested on her, and he fell into a brooding
state, and was silent. She always observed this quickly, I thought,
and always roused him with a question or caress. Then he came
out of his meditation, and drank more wine.

Agnes made the tea, and presided over it; and the time passed
away after it, as after dinner, until she went to bed; when her
father took her in his arms and kissed her, and, she being gone,
ordered candles in his office. Then I went to bed too.

But in the course of the evening I had rambled down to the
door, and a little way along the street, that I might have another
peep at the old houses, and the grey Cathedral; and might think of
my coming through that old city on my journey, and of my passing
the very house I lived in, without knowing it. As I came back, I saw
Uriah Heep shutting up the office; and feeling friendly towards
everybody, went in and spoke to him, and at parting, gave him my
hand. But oh, what a clammy hand his was! as ghostly to the touch
as to the sight! I rubbed mine afterwards, to warm it, and to rub his

It was such an uncomfortable hand, that, when I went to my
room, it was still cold and wet upon my memory. Leaning out of
the window, and seeing one of the faces on the beam-ends looking
at me sideways, I fancied it was Uriah Heep got up there
somehow, and shut him out in a hurry.

Charles Dickens ElecBook Classics

David Copperfield

Chapter 16


Next morning, after breakfast, I entered on school life
again. I went, accompanied by Mr. Wickfield, to the
scene of my future studies—a grave building in a
courtyard, with a learned air about it that seemed very well suited
to the stray rooks and jackdaws who came down from the
Cathedral towers to walk with a clerkly bearing on the grass-
plot—and was introduced to my new master, Doctor Strong.

Doctor Strong looked almost as rusty, to my thinking, as the tall
iron rails and gates outside the house; and almost as stiff and
heavy as the great stone urns that flanked them, and were **p,
on the top of the red-brick wall, at regular distances all round the
court, like sublimated skittles, for Time to play at. He was in his
library (I mean Doctor Strong was), with his clothes not
particularly well brushed, and his hair not particularly well
combed; his knee-smalls unbraced; his long black gaiters
unbuttoned; and his shoes yawning like two caverns on the
hearth-rug. Turning upon me a lustreless eye, that reminded me
of a long-forgotten blind old horse who once used to crop the
grass, and tumble over the graves, in Blunderstone churchyard, he
said he was glad to see me: and then he gave me his hand; which I
didn’t know what to do with, as it did nothing for itself.

But, sitting at work, not far from Doctor Strong, was a very
pretty young lady—whom he called Annie, and who was his
daughter, I supposed—who got me out of my difficulty by kneeling
