

重庆冰洋羽绒制品有限责任公司创建于1998年,座落于重庆两路工业园服装城,是西南地区专业生产水洗羽绒、毛及制品的企业。新建厂区环境优美、设备先进。有水洗羽绒生产线三条,年生产各种水洗绒毛600吨。公司秉承“专注品质,精益求精”的企业精神,与国内外商家建立了良好的商业信誉。为提高企业管理水平,增强企业竞争力,与国际接轨,公司先后选派企业优秀人员前往欧美等国深造、培训。企业在中国传统思想的熏陶下,兼容西方发达国家的现代企业管理理念,培养出一批既有东方人的吃苦耐劳精神,又有西方人的实干作风的现代化管理人才。拥有一支集研发、设计、生产、销售、服务为一体的专业队伍。公司产品销售覆盖全国各地,并销往欧美、日本等地。产品质量受到国内外商家一致好评。Established in 1998 ,Chongqing Ice Ocean Eiderdown Products Co,Ltd.is specialized in producing washed eiderdown,feather and other related down products in Southwest China area .It is located in Chongqing Lianglu Industry Zone Clothing City.With advanced equipment and beautiful environment,the new factory has three product lines which can totally produce over 600 tons of each kind of washed down per year.Following the spirit of "Focusing on quality ,striving for perfection",Ice Ocean has established solid business cooperation with many domestic and overseas companies.In order to improve the management,reinforce the company competitiveness and speed up the company globalization steps,Ice Ocean has appointed some specialized personnel to European and US to accept professional training and further education. Combing the traditional ideas with the modem entrepreneur management concepts from Western countries,the company trained a lot of managements who can bear hardships and hard work as easterners as well as manage the company with western style management methods as westerners. Ice Ocean has a professional team ranging from reserch & development, design,production,trade and service.The products is not only sold to domestic market but also exported to Japan, Europe,America,and other regions which wins a lot of appreciative comments from the customers.



  • 重庆
  • 上次登录 2021-10-26
  • 周秀敏 (先生)