深圳市毅诚达塑胶制品有限公司成立于1999年 ,公司位于广东省深圳市宝安区西乡银田工业区西发小区13栋,占地面积达4000多平方米,公司现有员工100多人。公司主要生产及销售一次性(环保型)塑料食品包装容器, 采用先进的自动化生产设备,产品有PP、OPS、HIPS、A-PET等为材质的产品。 公司主要产品有餐盒、汤碗、食品托盘、水果蔬菜包装盒等各类食品包装盒。本公司自开办以来凭借雄厚的实力及卓越的产品质量,赢得了广大客户的大力支持,产品除在国内销售外还远销东南亚等地。我司在国内多地设有分支机构,为客户提供又好又快的专业配套服务,为各客户打造安全放心的食品包装容器,让客户体会到我司的一体化服务。 为了适应社会的发展,公司自创立以来不断进行着新产品的开发工作,我们将继续努力秉承“优等质量,追求卓越,诚信服务,回馈社会”的企业理念为世界饮食文化作一份贡献,为社会各界提供安全可靠、质量**的环保餐具。
Shenzhen YC Plastic Product Co. Ltd. established in 2002, located in Baoan, Shenzhen. Our factory covers more than 4000 square meters, with above 100 staff.
Our products focus on the production and sales of the plastic disposable food packaging containers. Adopting the most advanced automatic production equipment, we produce the plastic food containers with PP, OPS, HIPS, A-PET materials, with main products of lunch box, soup bowl, food tray, fruit and vegetable packaging etc.
Our solid strength, outstanding quality and perfect service have won broad support from customers domestic and overseas. We have some sales branches around China, offering one-stop service to customers with safe food containers.